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Staying Healthy in Winter

Staying Healthy in Winter

Sniffles, coughs, and sneezes – they’re the classic signs that winter is upon us. This month we’re focusing on common winter illnesses, to help you stay well throughout the colder months.​

​We all know illnesses like colds and flu are more prevalent when temperatures drop, but lots of people still believe that being cold will make them more likely to catch these bugs, even though science shows otherwise. And that’s not the only common myth about colds and flu we’re clearing up this month. ​

The more you know, the healthier you can be. So, we’re arming you with information you can trust, to help you and your family approach winter with confidence. ​

Your St Lukes Wellbeing Platform Winter Tips

Winter Mythbusting: Don't fall for the myth that cold weather alone makes you sick. The real culprit? Spending more time indoors in close quarters where germs can spread easily. Practice good hygiene, like regular handwashing, and consider investing in a humidifier to keep indoor air moist and help prevent the spread of viruses.​

Embrace Winter Wonderfoods: Incorporate immune-boosting foods into your diet to stay healthy during the winter months. Include plenty of colorful fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and antioxidants, such as citrus fruits, berries, kale, and sweet potatoes. Additionally, don't forget about the power of warming spices like ginger, turmeric, and cinnamon to support your immune system and add flavor to your meals.​

​Get Your Flu Jab: Getting vaccinated against the flu is one of the most effective ways to protect yourself and others from influenza during the winter season. Flu vaccines are safe, readily available, and recommended by healthcare professionals to reduce the risk of illness and its complications. Don't delay—schedule your flu shot today to stay healthy and flu-free.​

​Prioritize Self-Care: The winter season can bring about feelings of lethargy and seasonal affective disorder (SAD) for some people. Combat these winter blues by prioritizing self-care activities that promote mental and emotional well-being. Practice mindfulness, get plenty of rest, stay active with indoor exercises like yoga or dance, and consider light therapy if you experience symptoms of SAD.​

Stay Active and Hydrated: Don't let the colder temperatures deter you from staying active. Find indoor workout options that you enjoy, such as swimming, indoor cycling, or fitness classes. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day, even if you're not sweating as much as you would in warmer weather. Proper hydration helps support your immune system and overall health, keeping you feeling your best all winter long.​

Visit the St Lukes Wellbeing Platform today to learn more and join us on the journey on how to stay healthy this winter.