Get 6 weeks free on eligible products. We’ll also waive all 2, 3, and 6 month waiting periods on extras*. Offer ends April 11, T&Cs apply.

Hospital providers

Hospital providers

Hospital providers can perform a membership eligibility check by selecting one of the two links below.

To access this service you must first obtain a User ID and Password from either of our software suppliers, HAMB Systems Limited or Thelma.

For HAMBS Systems Limited, You can do this by sending an email request to A user guide will be forwarded to you with your logon details.
St Lukes (HAMBS) eligibility check

For Thelma, click on the following link and then follow the prompts.
Thelma eligibility check

If you encounter a technical issue when using the HAMBS Systems Limited service please contact HAMBS by email at If you have a query in regards to an eligibility check, please contact St Lukes on 1300 651988.

THELMA Helpdesk contact details: 
Telephone: 02 9258 7277

Want to find out more?

Want to find out more?

Contact St Lukes today!